Christmas Cards, Gifts and Celebrations—a Stress or Breeze?

3 min read

Level: Intermediate

Is it too much pressure or does it make us feel warm inside?

Winters in the UK can be cold, dark and horrid. Imagine walking down a dark street trying to avoid getting your shoes wet and feeling very cold and miserable. Suddenly you turn a corner and see beautiful lights hanging all around you. All your fears disappear —Christmas is here! But there are lots of pressures and expectations too at this time of year. Gifts, cards, celebrations, family gatherings, cooking big meals, travelling…to name a few! How do people in the UK find it? Here, I share three top Christmas themes and my opinions on them. Let’s take a look…

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Festive Gifts

Christmas is a massive event in the UK, perhaps even bigger than birthdays. I believe there is a lot of expectation and this can be stressful. However, with the rise in living costs a lot of people have decided to tone it down this year and have a more simple Christmas.

Once someone gives you a gift here in the UK, you often feel obliged to return the favour. Unfortunately at the end of the month you may have nothing left in your wallet. But I think with the emphasis on green living, people have been ditching plastic gifts. People have also been focusing on giving homemade gifts, their time or a pre-loved gift. Or maybe even helping someone out. Whatever the form, Christmas will be celebrated as joyfully as ever.

Photo by micheile dot com on Unsplash

Christmas Cards

When I was a little girl nothing would make me happier than seeing Christmas cards hung upon our walls. Of course now they are e-cards. I think this is much better for the environment, although not quite as exciting. I do still feel excited when I receive a card in the post with my name on it!

A lot of people I know give cards only to their neighbours, very close friends and family, usually with a message inside, e.g. ‘Peace and happiness for Christmas and New Year’. Furthermore, those who celebrate Christmas in a spiritual sense might give religious cards with a Christian verse inside. Whatever the style, you can be sure Christmas cheer will be spread around.

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Christmas Community

Over the past several years winter carnivals have made a come back with special events across the country. This usually involves a parade where people create lanterns and walk along to festive music. Father Christmas always arrives on a decorated motor bike, a bright red boat or in a shiny sports car.

There are some people who believe that this is unnecessary and perhaps even a waste of money, especially during a cost of living crisis. However, I believe it’s a great opportunity for businesses and a chance for communities to support one another. Also, for people to spread happiness to all at this dark and otherwise dull time of year.

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Celebrating Christmas in the UK is definitely a great experience. Especially if you are a student and can visit lots of different UK towns and cities. Even if you are not living here in the UK, join in from your living room. Attend one of our speaking classes where you can learn about Christmas and other topics, and practice new language. Book a class with one of our tutors today and learn something new!

Vocabulary takeaway

tone something <> down

return the favour

ditch somebody/something


make a comeback

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Please note: These blog posts are written in informal, conversational English.


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